
転職の英語(A job interview)

Q. Why did you join your present company?
A. I graduated from XYZ University, the same school that the president of the company graduated from. About one third of the employees went there. I was scouted by a former student there who now works for the personnel department.

Q. What are your key responsibilities?
A. I plan and develop systems for clients in the distribution industry.

Q. Who do you report to?
A. I reported to the manager of the system section.

Q. How many people report to you?
A. Four programmers work under me.

Q. How does your work impact the company?
A. Our team achieved the annual sales target by the third quarter last year. I’m proud of them and myself as the team leader.

Q. How is your work evaluated?
A. We’re paid based on the work we do. Considering this, I feel our efforts are appreciated. But the fact is that we have to work long hours to achieve our targets.

Q. Why were you chosen for your current position?
A. The application for the distribution system that I developed as an SE two years ago is evaluated high. This lead to the establishment of the section I now work for.

Q. What things are you expected to decide for yourself?
A. I established job criteria and assign System Engineers and programmers. I’m responsible for the timely flow of work.

Q. What are the most difficult aspects of your position?
A. We’ve always struggling to make the best system in a limited amount of time. The situation can get panicky when something unexpected happens with a system or when our client complains.

Q. What is the basic work you do?
A. I am a System Engineer and develop specific systems to meet clients’requirement.

Q. What are your job priorities?
A. I want a stimulating and challenging work environment where I can work as an SE consultant.

Q. What is attractive about his company to you?
A. You are a global company and understand that you only hire professional SE consultants. That’s the kind of position I am looking for.

Q. What do you like about your current job?
A. I always feel satisfied whenever I develop a system that helps to support a client and their business. I like the fact that it’s creative work.

Q. What do you find most stressful in your present job?
A. As I mentioned, I have to sacrifice my personal life because of the long hours. I want to have a life outside of work and expand my horizons.

Q. There is no guarantee that you will be less busy if you work for us. What do you think?
A. I don’t mean to say that I need more free time to play around. It will be challenging to be busy meeting and working with global clients. I think it will be an opportunity to enrich my career.

Q. How do you deal with pressure?
A. I believe that you can think clearly only when you are in good health. So I try to get enough sleep, eat healthy and exercise.

Q. Do you think that your company will let you leave?
A. There is a limit to what our company can do as a subsidiary. I want to try to do something different. I plan to explain this frankly to my superiors and gain their understanding.

Q. What is your target salary?
A. 10,000,000 yen a year is ideal. At the minimum, I would like to get 8,500,000 yen.

Q. What is your current salary?
A. My annual income is 7,000,000 yen in gross.

Q. What qualities do you have that would justify the higher pay?
A. First, I have five years successful work experience. During the past two years, I have managed to motivate the team as a leader and each member’s skill level went up, which increased the sales output last year.

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